Renaming a file

Sometimes you need to rename files before submitting them to the office to be processed. At my work, the initial assignment (or the StartUp assignment) needs to be submitted to school’s office to be processed — ie to get the proper funding. The format they office wishes the file name to be in is: StartUp_LASTNAME_FirstName_CourseNameAndSection.pdf I do ask the students to rename the file...

13 Things Successful Online Teachers do

Jacquelyn Smith wrote an article ( this last October showing what successful do in the first ten minutes of their workday. Jacquelyn begins her article by indicating that the first ten minutes can ruin or make your day. Start the day with a clean slate is imperative for having a proper tone and attitude for the rest of the day. In this article, I will us Jacquelyn’s ideas...


Do you wish to save time writing out instructions when you can create a screen capture video much faster. Screencastify is a simple video screen capture software (aka. screencast recorder) for Chrome. It is able to record all screen activity inside a tab, including audio. Just press record and the content of your tab is recorded. So you can easily create a screencast for video tutorials, record presentations...